miércoles, abril 18, 2007


7:15 -> the first alarm rings, so I wake up
7:30 -> the second alarm rings, so I get up
8:00 -> I have breakfast and prepare my bag
8:30 -> I arrive to the gym
10:15 -> I have a shower in the gym
10:45 -> I go to the lab
14:00 -> I have lunch (two ham and chesse sandwiches with an apple)
17:00 -> I finish in the lab
17:30 -> I go to the Library to prepare English exam
20:00 -> I go home and have dinner
21:30 -> I watch a film
00:00 -> I go to the bed and read a book
--:-- -> Good dreams

4 comentarios:

Marguita dijo...

Gordiiiii, me ha encantado tu video!!!! Es genial muchas gracias!!! He pensado en ponerlo en el helao,pero es que no se si me matareis!!

mara dijo...

ah por mi guay, si ya tengo por ahi algunos rulando en el youtube xDD

Me alegro de que te haya gustao, aunque se que podia mejorarlo, pero iba justa de tiempo xD

Migue dijo...

Uff, that timetable is sooo time-consuming.... :S (I remind the two of you about the duty of speaking english here! ;P)

mara dijo...

Well, I know I know, and trusth me when I said that now I cannt stop speaking English, all the time xD